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Halloween at Saint Adalbert

On Friday October 30, we will celebrate Halloween with a safe, distanced, and sanitized trick or treating session. Since the Walk-a-thon will end at 11am (more info to follow), students will be allowed to wear costumes to school or dress-down. Keep in mind, they would be doing their 30 minute walk in their costume. PPE-version masks must still be worn with the costume.

Starting at 11:30, each class will go around our academy in socially distanced lines to “trick-or treat” from each classroom where the teacher will be passing out the pre-packaged candy wearing plastic gloves. In order to help with the expense and to make the experience memorable, we ask each parent to send in a bag of snack-sized wrapped candy that we can be used for the trick or treating. We appreciate your contributions and look forward to a fun and exciting day.

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