LifeTouch Photos will be taken on Monday March 22. Ordering can take place on their website. If you are sending in money for your package, you must add in the 8.875 % tax rate for your final purchase. You can either add up your total and multiply by 1.08875 or see the tax adjusted prices on the website. If you have already sent in your payment and didn’t include the tax, please send in the additional payment.
Basic $14.99 Tax $1.33 Total $16.32
Standard $29.99 Tax $2.66 Total $32.65
Plus $44.99 Tax $3.99 Total $48.98
Premium $74.99 Tax $6.66 Total $81.65
If you have an Aquinas Distance Learning Academy Student and would like to have your pictures taken, please let us know so we can schedule a time.
Re-registration Papers were sent home. Please return them as soon as possible, letting us know if you are returning or not. A special thanks to those that have.
Reminder that March 15 Tuition Payments are due ! Please send in your payment with your student or drop it off during the school day