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New Additions for the 2024-25 School Year

*We now offer Regents Algebra for our 8th Grade Students!

*Spanish is now being offered as a special subject for grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

*Sister Karolyn now works with grades 3-8 each week to share her faith experience and great love and knowledge of Catholicism

*Grades 1 and 2 are incorporating the Into Reading program into their curriculum

*Our Leader in Me Program will transit to a school-wide Leadership and Faith program called Pillars

*In October, we will be starting Student Enrichment Clubs! More information to follow

More exciting things to come! We look forward to the best year yet!

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School Video Archive

Check out the links to some of our past events and experiences! We are so blessed to have so many talented students! Spring Concert...


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