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Online Learning Framework at St. Adalbert’s

Today, the Academy teachers met to discuss and plan our online learning lessons which will begin tomorrow.

Even though teachers will be utilizing different methods of instruction, our online learning will have the following framework.

Every teacher will be sharing a schedule with the class. Your student does not have to follow this exact schedule, but it is recommended that he/she does.

Assignments will be shared either

1) the evening/night before the next day (Monday night for Tuesday work, etc) or

2) in the morning before 8 am

Students have all day to complete the assignments, even though it’s recommended to complete the work during the provided schedule

The following frameworks are being used for assignment posting and work submission:

Grades K through 3 Class Dojo

Grades 4 through 8 GoogleClassroom

Keep in mind that online learning assignments will be a significant part of the 3rd trimester grade. Parents will be contacted if students have not been completing assignments. This is also an opportunity for students who have been struggling to do extra work to help work towards promotion.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the learning process, please call the office or send Mr. Morris an email or message on St Adalbert Remind and he will support you. You can always bring your device to school and he will help you with its setup and features. If anyone has not checked out their child’s device and would still like to, please call/send a message. The office will be open regular hours all month.

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