Family-Friendly and Safe Environment
Smaller school allows for easier communication and accessibility to teachers and principal
Great representation of different cultures and diversity throughout our student body
Extremely experienced and seasoned staff of teachers with low turnover rate
Supportive Board of Directors and Chairperson (Lorraine Casey) who are constantly trying to improve the school
Teachers, staff, and principal who truly love the students
A masterful balance of social, emotional, spiritual learning that teaches the whole child
2nd-lowest tuition when compared to other Catholic Schools in the area
Scholarships and financial aid opportunities from Futures in Education (Especially for incoming 4K students)
Free early morning drop-off starting at 7:15am
Free after-school program (SONYC) for students in Grades 6,7,8
Affordable After-School Program for parents in Grades K-5
Opportunities for parents to be involved in the Home Academy Association and Parent Event Committee
Exciting events including Fall Walkathon, Christmas Boutique, Christmas Village, Christmas Concert, Family Movie Night, Pajama Bingo, Valentine’s Dance, and many more
Show, Kids Day at the Bazaar, Spring Concert, Field Day and much more!
Great collaboration with the CYO Basketball program with weekly games and practices
Excellent partnership with the 3K and PreK for All Program through MySchools
Extremely High Satisfaction Rate from Enrolled Families
NYS Student Test scores in ELA and Math outperform schools in the District and greatly surpass those of the City Public Schools
Bi-weekly coaching sessions with instructors from Generation Ready
1:1 device program - iPads for students in Grades K-4, Chromebooks for students in Gr 5-8
Newer STEM Lab and Lab Learner Program
Excellent music program taught by professional musician and teacher
Extensive Art program which includes Visual and Digital Art
Foreign Language - Spanish - for Grades K through 8
Excellent opportunities for high school scholarships each year - last year’s class earned over $375,000!
Bi-Weekly Clubs that include Cooking, Volleyball, Lego Building and many more!
Staff training, development and implementation of the Leader in Me Program
Buddy Activities pairing younger students with older students
Catholic Identity includes Weekly Mass, Weekly Rosary, and Daily Prayers led by students
Student Council
School Chorus
8th Grade “Safety” Leadership Program
Please feel free to schedule a tour at any time! We would love to have you! Thanks for the consideration !!!!